Jun 6, 2017

Article: US religion monitor welcomes release of Iranian Christian (The Times of Israel - 8/11/2017)

Article: Blasphemy laws worldwide: A report from the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (Washington Post - 8/10/2017)

Article: Ireland's blasphemy laws least restrictive in the world (Independent Irish News - 8/10/2017)

Article: Russian Supreme Court Upholds Ruling Banning Jehovah's Witnesses (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - 7/17/2017)

Video: Interview with Dwight Bashir, Director of Research and Policy - The U.S. extends Sanctions on Sudan (EWTN Nightly News - 7/14/17)

Article: For Sudan, A Looming Deadline On Possible Lifting of U.S. Sanctions (NPR - 7/8/2017)

Article: An American agency denounces the treatment of Muslims in China (The Economist - 7/7/2017)

Audio: Chairman Daniel Mark interviewed on the Don Kroah Show (Don Kroah Show - 6/15/17) - Note: The interview begins on 13:40. 

Article: How ISIS genocide victims still face discrimination in Kurdistan (CRUX - 6/6/2017)

Article: Voices for Religious Freedom: Profile on Vice Chairman Daniel Mak (Villanova Magazine - 6/5/2017), See page 24. Click here to view a PDF version of the article

Article: Assaults on Religious Freedom 'Worsening' Worldwide, Says U.S. Annual Report (Christian Post - 5/23/2017)  

Article: Religious Freedom Group Notes 'Grave Concerns' About Russia (Voice of America - 5/18/2017)

Video: Russia a Country of Particular Concern for Religious Freedom for First Time (Voice of America - 5/17/2017)

Article: U.S. Commission Says Russia, Pakistan Among Worst Violators of Religious Freedom (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - 4/26/2017)

Video: 2017 Annual Report - Commissioner Kristina Arriaga (EWTN - 4/26/2017)

Article: U.S. Monitoring Western Europe Over Anti-Muslim, Anti-Jewish Discrimination (Newsweek - 4/26/2017)

Article: U.S., EU Denounce Russian Ruling Against Jehovah's Witnesses (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - 4/26/2017)

Article: US: Russia's Jehovah's Witnesses Ban Shows 'Paranoia' of Vladimir Putin's Government (Newsweek - 4/21/2017)

Audio: The Intersection of Religious Freedom and Women's Rights - Commissioner Kristina Arriaga (Council on Foreign Relations - 4/13/2017) 

Article: US leaders tell persecuted believers: 'You are not alone' (Catholic News Agency - 4/6/2017)

Article: Religious freedoms commission: asylum seekers facing deportation need more protection. (San Antonio Express News - 1/19/2017)