Senate Russell Office Building

July 25, 2007

Hearing Agenda

Opening Remarks- Michael Cromartie, Commission Chair

Statement (as Delivered)- Representative Anna G. Eshoo, (D-CA)

Statement (as Delivered)- Representative Christopher Shays, (R-CT)


  • Reverend Canon Andrew White, Vicar of St. George's Anglican Church, Baghdad
    Prepared Testimony

  • Pascale Warda, Former Minister of Migration and Displacement
    Prepared Testimony

  • Dr. Donny George, Former Chairman of the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage
    Prepared Testimony

  • Michael Youash, Project Director of the Iraq Sustainable Democracy Project
    Prepared Testimony

  • Dr. Suhaib Nashi, General Secretary of the Mandean Associations Union
    Prepared Testimony