USCIRF Alarmed by Regressive Amendments to Kyrgyz Laws

Jan 31, 2025

USCIRF Alarmed by Regressive Amendments to Kyrgyz Laws

Washington, DC – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) decries recent amendments to the religion law and related legislation in Kyrgyzstan. The amendments exacerbate an already burdensome registration process for religious organizations. They also impose the quasi-independent Spiritual Administration of Muslims in Kyrgyzstan as the governing body for all Muslims and ban the wearing of face-coverings in public, which could restrict religious garb. By signing the amendments into law, President Sadyr Japarov is expanding regulations that infringe on Kyrgyz citizens’ right to freedom of religion or belief.

The Kyrgyz government is chipping away at religious freedom and other human rights in the country,” said USCIRF Chair Stephen Schneck. “These new amendments indicate a further regression in already-poor religious freedom conditions in Kyrgyzstan, with violations of this fundamental right continuing almost entirely unchecked.”

Over the past few years, USCIRF has documented increasing religious freedom violations in Kyrgyzstan. These include mass inspections and closures or suspensions of independent Islamic institutions, raids on minority religious groups, prison sentences for those opposing official religious policies, and detentions and forced renunciations of faith of individuals from banned but peaceful religious groups.

If enforced, these amendments will create further obstacles for the Kyrgyz people to practice their faith according to their conscience, especially independent Muslims and members of other disfavored religious groups,” said USCIRF Commissioner Vicky Hartzler. “The U.S. government must not overlook the Kyrgyz government’s increasing religious freedom violations.”  

In its 2024 Annual Report, for the first time, USCIRF recommended Kyrgyzstan for inclusion on the State Department's Special Watch List for the government’s ongoing and systematic violations of religious freedom. In December 2024, USCIRF released an issue update on the abuse of extremism laws in Central Asia, including Kyrgyzstan. In November 2024, USCIRF discussed the Kyrgyz government’s treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses in an issue update. In October 2023, USCIRF released a country update on the state of religious freedom in Kyrgyzstan.


The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is an independent, bipartisan federal government entity established by the U.S. Congress to monitor, analyze, and report on religious freedom abroad. USCIRF makes foreign policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State, and Congress intended to deter religious persecution and promote freedom of religion and belief. To interview a Commissioner, please contact USCIRF at [email protected].