USCIRF Welcomes President Joe Biden’s Appointment of Mohamed Elsanousi to U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

Jul 3, 2024

USCIRF Welcomes President Joe Biden’s Appointment of Mohamed Elsanousi to U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

Washington, DC – President Joseph R. Biden announced on June 26, 2024 the appointment of Mohamed Elsanousi to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).

USCIRF welcomes Mohamed Elsanousi to the Commission and looks forward to the valuable perspective that his years of experience will bring,” stated USCIRF Chair Stephen Schneck. “His expertise and insight on interfaith engagement and minority rights will be a great addition to help support the Commission’s mission to unflinchingly identify threats to religious freedom abroad.”

Mohamed Elsanousi serves as the Executive Director of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, a global network that bridges grassroots peacemakers and global players to work towards sustainable peace. He previously served as Interfaith and Government Relations Director at the Islamic Society of North America. He also served on the Core Group Taskforce for the U.S. Department of State on Religion and Foreign Policy.

Elsanousi was the Principal Coordinator for developing the standards and protocols for safeguarding the rights of Christian, Jewish, and other religious minorities in Muslim-majority communities. His efforts in this role led to the adoption of the Marrakech Declaration, the most recognized Islamic theological document advocating for improved religious freedom. He is the founding Executive Committee Member of Shoulder to Shoulder and co-chair of the Multi-Faith Advisory Council to the United Nations. Additionally, he serves on the boards of directors and trustees for numerous interfaith organizations, including the Center for Interreligious Dialogue at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City and the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies.

Mohamed Elsanousi’s contributions to the issue of international religious freedom provides a significant depth of expertise that the Commission can draw upon,” USCIRF Vice Chair Eric Ueland added. “His appointment to USCIRF brings additional experience to the broad backgrounds of Commissioners.”

USCIRF Commissioners are appointed by the President and leadership of both political parties in the Senate and House of Representatives.


The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is an independent, bipartisan federal government entity established by the U.S. Congress to monitor, analyze and report on threats to religious freedom abroad. USCIRF makes foreign policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State and Congress intended to deter religious persecution and promote freedom of religion or belief. To interview a Commissioner, please contact USCIRF at [email protected].