Santería in Cuba

Santería is a syncretic religion that incorporates elements of Catholicism with the religion of the Yoruba people, who were brought as slaves to Cuba from the Congo basin and West Africa in the 16th century.

Mar 5, 2021

Santería is a syncretic religion that incorporates elements of Catholicism with the religion of the Yoruba people, who were brought as slaves to Cuba from the Congo basin and West Africa in the 16th century.

While many Cubans can freely observe Santería practices, some practitioners and religious leaders have experienced ongoing violations of their right to freedom of religion or belief. These violations are emblematic of the tactics used by the Cuban government to control faith and suppress independent religious communities.



Dwight Bashir, Director of Outreach and Policy, USCIRF

Kirsten Lavery, Supervisory Policy Analyst, USCIRF


Read USCIRF’s recent Factsheet on the Santería Tradition in Cuba