Aug 29, 2014


August 29, 2014 | By Katrina Lantos Swett and Daniel I. Mark

The following op-ed appeared on Investor's Business Daily on August 28, 2014.

When Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag — the 27-year-old Sudanese wife and mother initially sentenced to death for apostasy — arrived this month in the U.S., it signaled the welcome end to a nightmarish story of religious freedom abuse. Others like her have been less fortunate.

Pastor Saeed Abedini, a U.S. citizen, is serving an eight-year sentence in Iran for involvement in the house-church movement. Beijing has imprisoned and tortured Gao Zhisheng, one of China's most respected human rights leaders, for defending fellow citizens of various faiths, from Falun Gong to Christians.

Such stories remind us that defending freedom of religion or belief — the right to believe or not believe and to act peacefully on such convictions — is a humanitarian imperative.

But there is another reason the world should defend this right: Several studies connect religious-freedom violations to serious societal harm.

In the political realm, these violations are tied to the absence of democracy and the presence of abuses of other human rights, such as freedom of expression, associations and assembly, and the rights and status of women.

In civic life, when religious liberty is violated, nations surrender the benefits that religious beliefs may confer through molding people’s character and fostering responsible citizenship. Indeed, wherever this right goes unprotected, peace and security suffer, weakening not just the nations where violations occur, but also neighboring countries and even the world.

On May 29 of this year, researchers Brian Grim of Georgetown University and Greg Clark and Robert Edward Snyder of Brigham Young University published a study that provides evidence that religious freedom has an economic impact as well.

Reviewing the GDP growth of 173 countries while controlling for 23 financial, social and regulatory factors, they found that religious freedom not only is associated with global economic growth, but also is one of only three factors carrying that association.

As the study found, 20% of countries with low levels of religious hostilities and 20% nations with low levels of government restrictions on religion were economic innovators, while the figures for nations with high levels of hostilities and restrictions were only 8% and 7%, respectively.

To be sure, correlation does not imply causation. That said, there are compelling reasons to believe that religious freedom enhances economic growth, while abuses impede it. Based on the work of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), on which we serve, here are three of the most important reasons: 

First and foremost, religious persecution marginalizes the persecuted, wasting their talents and thwarting their potential. Besides being a human tragedy, each person who is marginalized is one fewer person contributing to a nation’s output. By holding people back, religious persecution makes it harder for countries to produce and innovate their way out of poverty.

One example is Iran’s senseless discrimination against its Bahai population, creating daunting obstacles for this educated and industrious group.

Second, religious-freedom abuses put a chill on domestic business formation as well as foreign investment. This is partly due to the well-supported connection between severe religious-freedom abuses and rising social unrest, including violence.

Given a choice, entrepreneurs and investors prefer stable, secure and predictable environments in which to do business.

Furthermore, while deep corruption countries like Pakistan contributes more to economic stagnation, that country’s enforcement of blasphemy laws – which distort the marketplace by enabling businesses to prevail not through superior performance but by leveling blasphemy charges at rivals holding unpopular religious views – can only harm the economy further.

Third, in a world in which more people are demanding that companies be socially responsible, many firms would rather operate in nations that are not notorious abusers of human rights, including religious freedom.

In short, while individual cases like those of Ibrahim, Abedini and Gao rightly grab the world’s attention, perhaps we can sustain the focus on such gross abuses by stressing the societal costs that offending nations incur by refusing to respect and protect religious freedom.

For those who care about religious freedom, and for those striving to conquer poverty and expand prosperity, the argument is the same: Religious freedom is good not only for a nation’s soul, but also for its economic bottom line and the well-being of its people. For the U.S. and other countries, it is one more reason for weaving religious freedom more tightly into foreign policy.

To interview a USCIRF Commissioner, please contact USCIRF at [email protected] or 202-786-0613.

Aug 23, 2014


August 23, 2014 | USCIRF

Statement of Commissioners M. Zuhdi Jasser and Eric P. Schwartz upon completing a five-day visit to Burma.

This is our first Commissioner-level visit to the country.  We have had meetings with Union and state government officials, Rangoon-based representatives of ethnic and religious groups, representatives of non-governmental organizations, representatives of political parties, including Aung San Suu Kyi, and religious leaders.  We traveled to Rangoon, Mandalay, Meiktila, and Naypyidaw.  In Meiktila, we welcomed the chance to visit camps for persons from both the Muslim and Buddhist communities who were displaced by spasms of violence in March 2013.

We visited Burma to promote tolerance and inclusion in light of violations of religious freedom and violence and discrimination against religious and ethnic minorities.  After our return, we expect to issue a report of our findings.  Our comments today represent preliminary observations.

We were deeply impressed by the conviction of so many Burmese about the importance of religious freedom and human rights and by their recognition that equal treatment, in law and in practice, for all of Burma’s ethnic and religious communities is critical to the process of reform.  We also met with officials who echoed President Thein Sein’s stated goal of “securing equal rights for each and every citizen.” 

The Commission has followed this country for more than a decade, expressing concern about limitations on religious freedom for everyone – Buddhists and non-Buddhists.  And we have very much welcomed the release of prisoners of conscience, easing of restrictions on freedom of expression and other encouraging developments in recent years.  Nonetheless, this visit has confirmed our concerns about serious and substantial discrimination against minority religious faiths, imposed by law, regulation and practice.  As a result, members of these faiths have unequal personal status, reflected, for example, in their identification documents and rights associated with citizenship.  Other restrictions prevent the construction of religious institutions and impose obstacles to the practice of faith by Christians; we are also concerned by the failure to adequately hold accountable perpetrators of violence against religious minorities. 

We are deeply troubled by reports we received of abuses against the Rohingya Muslim community in Rakhine State.  No impartial observers question reports of systematic, large-scale and egregious abuses of human rights of this community involving acts and omissions resulting in deaths, injuries, displacement, denial of basic health and other services, denial of freedom of movement, and denial of the right to a nationality, among other violations.  While Rakhine State is among the poorest states in Burma and all its communities merit attention and concern, government action is urgently needed to address the horrible circumstances confronting the Rohingya. 

We are disappointed that the overall political reform effort has yet to address seriously these concerns.  At a time when we’d hope to see reform that addresses these issues, we are also concerned by actions that are in contrast to a reform commitment, such as the draft anti-conversion law and other race and religion bills. 

Finally, we encourage the efforts of the United States and other governments to accelerate the process of reform in Burma.  Governments should communicate solidarity with activists who have worked so diligently, and often at great personal sacrifice, to promote respect for human rights, tolerance and religious freedom.  Governments should seize opportunities to signal ongoing support for human rights and religious freedom – the rights of those, like Rohingya Muslims, who are the victims of the most serious of abuses.

To interview a USCIRF Commissioner, please contact USCIRF at [email protected] or 202-786-0613.

Aug 6, 2014


August 6, 2014 | USCIRF

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) condemns in the strongest terms the actions that the terrorist group ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, has taken against Yazidis and other religious minority communities in Sinjar and Tal Afar districts of Ninewa Province in northern Iraq.  Reports indicate that ISIL has killed Yazidis, Assyrian Christians, Shi’a and others, and destroyed religious sites.  According to the UN, 200,000 civilians, most of them Yazidis, have fled Sinjar.  Yazidis, whose ancestral homeland is Sinjar, are adherents of an ancient religion with links to Zoroastrianism.

“ISIL’s offensive against Yazidis and other religious minorities in Sinjar, coupled with its attack against Mosul’s Christians and others two weeks ago, underscore its fanaticism, barbarism and agenda to destroy Iraq’s diversity and its ancient communities,” stated Katrina Lantos Swett, USCIRF Chair.

The State Department’s recently released International Religious Freedom Report notes that 500,000 Yazidis reside in northern Iraq, with most concentrated in Sinjar and some in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region.

“USCIRF urges the United States, the Iraqi government, the Kurdistan regional government, and like-minded nations to redouble efforts to work together to defend Iraq’s peaceful religious communities against ISIL’s violent religious repression and provide humanitarian assistance to the many thousands of civilians who now are displaced,” Lantos Swett added.

For more information on religious freedom conditions in Iraq see USCIRF’s 2014 Annual Report.

To interview a USCIRF Commissioner, please contact USCIRF at [email protected] or 202-786-0613.