Additional Name(s): Сейдаметов Ленур Люманович

Gender: Male

Perpetrator: Russia

Ethnic Group: Crimean Tatar

Religion or Belief: Muslim – Sunni

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Sentence: 13 Years' Imprisonment

Date of Detainment: February/17/2021

Date of Sentencing: March/22/2022

Current Status: Not Released

Religious Leader: No

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Imprisonment

Reason for Persecution: Attending a Religious Gathering or Meeting Ethnoreligious Identity Religious Activity Religious Association

Nature of Charges: Banned Organization Terrorism Treason & Sedition

Lenur Seydametov

Extra Bio Info:

Lenur Seydametov is imprisoned for his alleged religious activity.

On February 17, 2021, authorities in Russian-occupied Crimea, Ukraine, detained Seydametov, accusing him of holding meeting for the banned Hizb ut-Tahrir organization and spreading its ideas.

On March 22, 2022, the Southern District Military Court sentenced Seydametov to 13 years in prison for “participating in the activities of an organization…recognized as terrorist” (Art. 205.5-2 RCC) and "preparing for actions aimed at the forcible seizure of power or the forcible retention of power” (Art. 30-1/Art. 278 RCC).

In November 2023, it was reported that Seydametov's health had deteriorated in prison. He reportedly suffers from a Baker's cyst and needs surgery on his lower spine.

Seydametov is married with three children.

Related Cases: Timur Yalkabov

Additional Name(s): Ялкабов Тимур Муминович

Gender: Male

Perpetrator: Russia

Ethnic Group: Crimean Tatar

Religion or Belief: Muslim – Sunni

Health Concerns: Asthma, weight-loss

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Sentence: 17 Years' Imprisonment

Date of Detainment: February/17/2021

Date of Sentencing: March/22/2022

Current Status: Not Released

Religious Leader: No

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Imprisonment

Reason for Persecution: Attending a Religious Gathering or Meeting Ethnoreligious Identity Religious Activity Religious Association

Nature of Charges: Banned Organization Terrorism Treason & Sedition

Timur Yalkabov

Extra Bio Info:

Timur Yalkabov is imprisoned for his alleged religious activity. 

On February 17, 2021, authorities in Russian-occupied Crimea, Ukraine, detained Yalkabov, accusing him of holding meeting for the banned Hizb ut-Tahrir organization and spreading its ideas. 

On March 22, 2022, the Southern District Military Court sentenced Yalkabov to 17 years in prison for "organizing the activities of an organization…recognized as terrorist" (Art. 205.5-1 RCC) and "preparing for actions aimed at the forcible seizure of power or the forcible retention of power” (Art. 30-1/Art. 278 RCC).

In February 2023, it was reported that prison authorities confiscated Yalkabov's prayer rug.

In May 2023, it was reported that Yalkabov's health had deteriorated after he spent three months in a punishment cell. 

Yalkabov suffers from asthma. 

Yalkabov is married with five children.

Related Cases: Lenur Seydametov

Additional Name(s): Лукманов Азат Разифович

Gender: Male

Perpetrator: Russia

Religion or Belief: Muslim – Sunni

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Sentence: 11 Years' Imprisonment

Date of Detainment: November/19/2019

Date of Sentencing: December/21/2021

Current Status: Not Released

Religious Leader: No

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Imprisonment

Reason for Persecution: Attending a Religious Gathering or Meeting Discussing Religion & Religious Texts Possession of Religious Materials Religious Activity Religious Association

Nature of Charges: Banned Organization Terrorism

Azat Lukmanov

Extra Bio Info:

Azat Lukmanov is imprisoned for his alleged religious association.

On November 19, 2019, authorities in Moscow detained Lukmanov after accusing him of being a leader of the banned Hizb ut-Tahrir organization, recruiting members who left the organization, and studying religious literature.

On December 21, 2021, the Central District Military Court sentenced Lukmanov to 11 years in prison for  “participating in the activities of an organization…recognized as terrorist” (Art. 205.5-2 RCC).

Lukmanov is married with six children.

Lukmanov had been previously imprisoned for his alleged activities with Hizb ut-Tahrir.