Additional Name(s): Lê Thanh Hoàn Nguyên

Gender: Male

Current Location: Long An Detention Center, Long An

Perpetrator: Vietnam

Ethnic Group: Kinh

Religion or Belief: Buddhist – Unspecified/Other

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Sentence: 4 Years' Imprisonment

Date of Detainment: January/4/2022

Date of Sentencing: July/21/2022

Current Status: Not Released

Religious Leader: Yes

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Imprisonment

Reason for Persecution: Online Activity Religious Activity Unregistered Religious Activity

Nature of Charges: Subversion

Le Thanh Hoan Nguyen

Extra Bio Info:

Le Thanh Hoan Nguyen is imprisoned for his religious activity and expression.

On January 4, 2022, authorities searched the THIÊN AM BÊN BỜ VŨ TRỤ (TABBVT) Buddhist Monastery (also known as Tinh That Bong Lai and Thien Am at the Edge of the Universe), an independent Buddhist community, taking into custody several individuals for questioning, including Nguyen, a monk. Following questioning, Nguyen was arrested.

On January 7, 2022, authorities announced that Nguyen and other monks were officially charged with “abusing democratic freedoms” (Art. 331/2015 VCC) after the monastery was accused of taking advantage of religion and philanthropy for their own personal benefit. At the time of their arrests, authorities had also reportedly charged them with incest and fraud as well, but these charges were later dropped.  A complaint against the monastery was reportedly submitted by the Buddhist Church of Vietnam, the state-backed religious entity, and Thich Nhat Tu, a member of the Buddhist Church of Vietnam’s board of directors.

On June 9, 2022, Nguyen was formally indicted, with authorities accusing him and others of creating videos and authoring an article insulting to the Duc Hoa District Police, the Buddhist Church of Vietnam in Long An province, and Thich Nhat Tu.

On July 21, 2022, the Duc Hoa District People's Court sentenced Nguyen to four years in prison. 

In late 2022, an appeals court reportedly upheld Nguyen's sentence.

Related Cases: Le Tung VanLe Thanh Trung DuongLe Thanh Nhat NguyenCao Thi CucLe Thanh Nhi Nguyen

Additional Name(s): Lê Tùng Vân

Gender: Male

Perpetrator: Vietnam

Ethnic Group: Kinh

Religion or Belief: Buddhist – Unspecified/Other

Health Concerns: Elderly, hypertension, diabetes, chronic anemia

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Sentence: 5 Years' Imprisonment

Date of Detainment: January/4/2022

Date of Sentencing: July/21/2022

Current Status: Not Released

Religious Leader: Yes

Most Recent Type of Abuse: House Arrest

Reason for Persecution: Online Activity Religious Activity Unregistered Religious Activity

Nature of Charges: Subversion

Le Tung Van

Extra Bio Info:

Le Tung Van is under house arrest for his religious activity.

On January 4, 2022, authorities searched the THIÊN AM BÊN BỜ VŨ TRỤ (TABBVT) Buddhist Monastery (also known as Tinh That Bong Lai and Thien Am at the Edge of the Universe), an independent Buddhist community, taking into custody several individuals for questioning, including Van, a leader of the monastery. Following questioning, Van was released but placed under house arrest pending trial.  

On January 7, 2022, authorities announced that Van and other monks were officially charged with “abusing democratic freedoms” (Art. 331/2015 VCC) after accusing the monastery of taking advantage of religion and philanthropy for their own personal benefit. At the time of their arrests, authorities had reportedly charged them with incest and fraud as well, but these charges were later dropped.  A complaint against the monastery was reportedly submitted by the Buddhist Church of Vietnam, the state-backed religious entity, and Thich Nhat Tu, a member of the Buddhist Church of Vietnam’s board of directors.

On June 9, 2022, Van was formally indicted, with authorities accused him of directing the other defendants to create videos and author an article insulting the Duc Hoa District Police, the Buddhist Church of Vietnam in Long An province, and Thich Nhat Tu.

Van has reportedly been denied proper access to counsel. 

On July 21, 2022, the Duc Hoa District People's Court sentenced Van to five years in prison. He reportedly remains under house arrest pending appeal.

In late 2022, an appeals court reportedly upheld Van's sentence.

In January 2023, Van was reportedly summoned to undergo a health screening in response to an application to stay the execution of his sentence due to health concerns. Van is in his 90s and reportedly suffers from various ailments, including hypertension, diabetes, and chronic anemia.

Related Cases: Le Thanh Trung DuongLe Thanh Hoan NguyenLe Thanh Nhat NguyenCao Thi CucLe Thanh Nhi Nguyen


Jul 7, 2022

This past spring, USCIRF staff traveled to Turkey and met with religious and nonbelief communities across the country. Numerous issues continue to negatively impact their freedom of religion or belief, including an inability to train clergy, mandatory religion classes, the threat of blasphemy charges, and other forms of discrimination. USCIRF has monitored and reported on Turkey since the late 2000s, recommending it for placement on the Special Watch List (previously known as Tier 2) every year since 2014 and most recently again in USCIRF’s 2022 Annual Report.

Senior Policy Analyst Keely Bakken, who was part of that USCIRF delegation to Turkey, joins us today to discuss some of the findings of that trip as well as USCIRF’s recent policy recommendations.

Read USCIRF’s 2022 Annual Report Chapter on Turkey

Listen to USCIRF’s Spotlight Podcast Episode Sivas Massacre and Turkey’s Persecution of the Alevi Community

Listen to USCIRF’s Spotlight Podcast Episode 50 Years and Counting: The Continued Closure of Halki Seminary in Turkey