Additional Name(s): عمر المقبل

Gender: Male

Perpetrator: Saudi Arabia

Ethnic Group: Arab

Religion or Belief: Muslim – Sunni

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Appeal: Increased to 4 Years' Imprisonment

Sentence: Originally 6 Months' Imprisonment

Current Status: Not Released

Religious Leader: Yes

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Imprisonment

Reason for Persecution: Religious Expression

Nature of Charges: Unknown

Omar al-Muqbil

Extra Bio Info:

Omar al-Muqbil is imprisoned for expressing religious views criticizing government policies.

In September 2019, it was reported that authorities had arrested al-Muqbil, a cleric, for criticizing concerts sponsored by the government’s General Entertainment Authority, calling them a threat to the country’s culture.

In September 2021, it was reported that the Supreme Court had increased al-Muqbil’s sentence to four years in prison after the Specialized Criminal Court had sentenced him to six months in prison.

In November 2023, the Sanad Rights Foundation reported that al-Muqbil continues to be held in prison, despite completing his sentence in September 2023. 


Additional Name(s): عمر عبدالله السعدون

Gender: Male

Perpetrator: Saudi Arabia

Ethnic Group: Arab

Religion or Belief: Muslim – Sunni

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Date of Detainment: July//2021

Current Status: Not Released

Religious Leader: Yes

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Detainment

Reason for Persecution: Criticizing Religious Freedom Conditions Religious Expression

Nature of Charges: Unknown

Omar Abdullah al-Saadoun

Extra Bio Info:

Omar Abdullah al-Saadoun is detained for criticizing government policy impacting religious freedom conditions.

In July 2021, it was reported that authorities reportedly arrested Omar Abdullah al-Saadoun, a cleric and legal advisor, after he wrote an article critical of the government’s decision to restrict the use of loudspeakers at mosques.


Additional Name(s): أسماء السبيعي

Gender: Female

Perpetrator: Saudi Arabia

Ethnic Group: Arab

Religion or Belief: Unspecified

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Date of Detainment: June//2021

Current Status: Not Released

Religious Leader: No

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Detainment

Reason for Persecution: Criticizing Religious Freedom Conditions Online Activity Resisting State-Imposed Religious Systems Women’s Rights

Nature of Charges: Unknown

Asmaa al-Subaie

Extra Bio Info:

Asmaa al-Subaie is detained for her women’s rights activism critical of state imposed religious systems.

In June 2021, authorities affiliated with the Presidency of State Security arrested al-Subaie, a university student, over tweets she made criticizing the harsh sentences against those calling for changes to the guardianship system and other laws affecting women.