May 20, 2022

Expedited Removal is the U.S. immigration law process that allows officers in the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, to quickly deport noncitizens who arrive at U.S. ports of entry or cross the border without proper documents, unless the noncitizen can establish a “credible fear” of persecution or torture. Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. government has expelled most migrants and asylum seekers who try to enter the United States under a public health authority, referred to as Title 42, rather than under Expedited Removal. Beginning in mid-2021, the Biden administration resumed using Expedited Removal in some cases. It is planning to lift the Title 42 order soon and return to using Expedited Removal more broadly. 

Elizabeth Cassidy, USCIRF’s Director of Research and Policy, joins us today to discuss concerns and recommendations about the treatment of asylum seekers in the Expedited Removal process and its relevance to international religious freedom.

Gender: Male

Perpetrator: Iraq

Religion or Belief: Christian – Unspecified/Other

Date of Detainment: May//2022

Date of Release: May//2022

Current Status: Released

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Detainment

Reason for Persecution: Protesting Religious Freedom Conditions Religious Identity

Nature of Charges: Unknown

James Zaya

Extra Bio Info:

James Zaya was detained for protesting religious freedom conditions.

On May 11, 2022, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) authorities arrested Zaya after local villagers protested the confiscation on their land.  The confiscations were likely motivated in part by the villagers’ specific religious identity. Authorities reportedly assaulted protestors. Zaya had filmed the protest and the subsequent crackdown.

Zaya was reportedly released a day after his arrest.

Related Cases: Zya Minas


Gender: Male

Perpetrator: Iraq

Religion or Belief: Christian – Unspecified/Other

Date of Detainment: May//2022

Date of Release: May//2022

Current Status: Released

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Detainment

Reason for Persecution: Protesting Religious Freedom Conditions Religious Identity

Nature of Charges: Unknown

Zya Minas

Extra Bio Info:

Zya Minas was detained for protesting religious freedom conditions.

In May 2022, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) authorities arrested Minas, the mayor of Dadersh village in Dohuk governorate, after local villagers protested the confiscation on their land.  The confiscations were likely motivated in part by the villagers’ specific religious identity. Authorities reportedly assaulted protestors.

Minas was reportedly released a day after his arrest.

Related Cases: James Zaya
