Sep 25, 2013


September 20, 2013 | By Robert P. George

The following op-ed appeared in the Christian Science Monitor on September 20, 2013.

As the UN General Assembly begins its new session, a colossal gulf is again visible - a gulf between what international human rights law and UN resolutions say, and what some member nations do. A concrete effort must be made by the international community to close this gulf.

One glaring example is how some countries treat people who dare to express dissenting views about religion. A number of nations uphold and enforce laws that punish their own citizens for religious dissent or what they view as deviance from sacred norms. Under such laws and practices, dissidents may find their views labeled as blasphemous, defamatory, or insulting to religious symbols, figures, or feelings. If they are tried and convicted, some face draconian punishments, including execution.

Read full article here.

To interview a USCIRF Commissioner, please contact Kalinda Stephenson at 202-786-0613 or [email protected].

Sep 23, 2013


September 23, 2013| By USCIRF

USCIRF Letter to President Obama on Upcoming Meeting with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) sent the following letter to President Obama on September 23, 2013:

The President

The White House
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

On behalf of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), I write regarding your upcoming meeting with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan. USCIRF has reported on religious freedom conditions in Nigeria since 2004, and we remain deeply concerned about the high levels of sectarian violence and impunity for such violence in that country. We respectfully urge you, Mr. President, to strongly address with President Jonathan the importance of the Nigerian government arresting and prosecuting the perpetrators of sectarian violence. The Nigerian government's overreliance on the use of force to tackle communal and Boko Haram violence and its failure to promote rule of law and human rights will only further destabilize this important ally.

In 2009, USCIRF first recommended that Nigeria be named a "country of particular concern” or CPC for tolerating ongoing, egregious, and systematic religious freedom violations. We continue to make this recommendation. Our primary concern continues to be the Nigerian government's failure, at all levels, to hold perpetrators of Muslim-Christian communal violence accountable, leading to a culture of impunity. While other causes factor into the violence in areas of conflict, religion is a significant catalyst and is often misused by politicians, religious leaders, or others for political gain. Since 1999, more than 14,000 have been killed in Muslim-Christian violence, but USCIRF has confirmed only 200 persons have been found guilty for perpetrating these attacks. In our recent annual report we recommended the U.S. government enter into a binding agreement with the Nigerian government to assist it in holding perpetrators of this violence accountable, developing conflict prevention and early warning mechanisms, and professionalizing the police force to combat sectarian violence.

This culture of impunity has a direct correlation to the urgent matter of Boko Haram's destabilizing presence and activities in Nigeria's north and Middle Belt. Boko Haram frequently attacks churches in predominantly Christian areas in Bauchi, Jos, Kaduna, and Kano, which exacerbates already existing Muslim-Christian tensions and encourages further violence. We fully agree with Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman's recent comments in Abuja that the Nigerian government needs to include prosecution of Boko Haram members as part of a comprehensive strategy to tackle this threat to the country's stability.

In USCIRF's view, Nigeria has the capacity to address communal, sectarian and Boko Haram violence by enforcing the rule of law and making perpetrators accountable through the judicial system, and not relying solely on a counterterrorism strategy involving the security services. Such an approach would help Nigeria realize lasting progress, security, stability, and prosperity as a democracy. The United States can play an important role in encouraging and increasing the capacity of the Nigerian judiciary to undertake this kind of response.

We stand ready to assist efforts to advance freedom of religion or belief in Nigeria.


Robert P. George


To interview a USCIRF Commissioner, please contact USCIRF at (202) 523-3258 or [email protected].

Sep 23, 2013


September 23, 2013 | By USCIRF

Religious Freedom: Iran's Litmus Test

Washington, D.C. - On the eve of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's first ever address to the United Nations General Assembly, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) urges him to prioritize freedom of religion or belief. Doing so will help make Iran a more tolerant society and ensure that the Iranian government is more respectful of the rights of its citizens, including religious minorities and dissidents.

The Iranian government last week unexpectedly freed more than a dozen political and religious prisoners, including noted human rights lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, and Maryam Jalili and Mitra Zahmati, two Christian converts. "Despite these positive actions, religious minorities and other prisoners of conscience in Iran continue to suffer for their beliefs, including more than 100 imprisoned members of the Baha'i community and its leadership,” said USCIRF Chairman Robert P. George.

For the first time in 15 years, a Baha'i, Ataollah Rezvani, was shot to death because of his faith. Despite the religiously-motivated killing, there has yet to be an official investigation into the events surrounding his murder.

"The Iranian government must conduct a swift and thorough investigation of Mr. Rezvani's death, and bring the perpetrators to justice. Otherwise killing Baha'is could become an everyday occurrence and impunity an endorsement for murder. How Iran treats its citizens at home is an important indicator of how the government will deal with other people and nations,” continued USCIRF Chairman George.

A renewed crackdown on Protestant Christians in recent weeks has led to numerous arrests. Of those Christians already imprisoned, Iranian-American pastor Saeed Abedini continues to languish in Evin prison while his eight-year sentence was upheld just last month. This Thursday, September 26, will mark the one- year anniversary of Abedini's imprisonment - vigils will be held throughout the United States and the world to draw attention to his plight and demand his immediate release.

"President Rouhani should follow through with his election campaign promises and implement genuine reforms that will improve the status of religious freedom and human rights for all Iranian citizens. Last week's release of more than a dozen political and religious prisoners was a welcome gesture. It is our hope there will be more and we will be watching to see if all prisoners of conscience are released - including Pastor Saeed Abedini and the seven Baha'i leaders,” USCIRF Chairman George stated.

USCIRF again recommended in 2013 that Iran  be designated as a Tier 1 Country of Particular Concern (CPC) for systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom, including prolonged detention, torture, and executions based primarily or entirely upon the religion of the accused.

To interview a USCIRF Commissioner, please contact Kalinda Stephenson at 202-786-0613 or [email protected] .