May 30, 2014


May 30, 2014 | By Robert P. George

The following op-ed appeared in the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs on May 30, 2014.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), of which I am Chairman, released its 2014 Annual Report on April 30. As in previous years, the report analyzed the condition of religious freedom in numerous countries, highlighting abuses of religious freedom and offering recommendations to President Obama, the U.S. State Department, and Congress on how best to respond to such violations. However, this year’s report comes with an added element: an analysis of the United States’ policy on religious freedom over the past fifteen years and how to improve it in the future.

Based on this broader analysis, the report concluded that, as a nation and society, the United States must do more to promote freedom of religion or belief overseas. Such promotion is crucial today since, by any measure, religious freedom is under serious and sustained pressure across much of the globe.  According to the most recent Pew study on the subject, more than three-quarters of the world’s population lives in countries in which religion is restricted in significant ways, either by the government or by societal actors.

Behind this statistic is the reality of deep human suffering. When religious freedom is abridged, real people—as well as their families, communities, and countries—pay a price, losing their liberty and, sometimes, their lives. Whether their names are etched on gravestones or their faces stare at us from behind prison bars, we must never forget these people.

A positive step forward in advancing religious freedom abroad would be to reaffirm what this right actually entails by answering the question, “What is freedom of religion?”

Simply stated, religious freedom is a broad, inclusive right, sweeping in scope, which embraces the full range of thought, belief, and behavior; it is as deep as it is broad, honoring and upholding the claims of conscience. Religious freedom means the right of all human beings to think as they please, to believe or not believe as their conscience leads, and to live out their beliefs openly, peacefully, and without fear. When it comes to the peaceful practice of religion or belief, no government, group, or individual has the right to compel others to act against their conscience or prevent them from answering its call.

How broad and inclusive is religious freedom as a human right? Religious freedom applies to the holders of all religious beliefs. Thus, USCIRF advocates for the rights of members of every religious group in the world to practice their faith peacefully.

Broader still, the right to religious freedom extends to those who reject religious beliefs altogether. It upholds the right to embrace any belief, including one that excludes religion. When atheists or agnostics are targeted for expressing their convictions, they too are victims of religious persecution and merit USCIRF’s advocacy.

Besides protecting every belief, freedom of religion is, in itself, a conviction that is unbounded by geography or nation. Rather than being the exclusive preserve of any one country, it is a universal value endorsed by a majority of countries in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which the global community overwhelmingly adopted in 1948, as well as in subsequent agreements. Like every other human right, religious freedom is the birthright of humanity.

Finally, religious freedom is broad and deep enough to merit a seat at the table with economic and security concerns when any nation is conducting its affairs with the world. Human rights, including considerations of religious freedom, should be among the central concerns of our foreign policy. The reason for this is clear: a country’s interests cannot be readily separated from its values. Since its values reflect its identity, such separation is hard to achieve, let alone desirable to pursue. Moreover, we should not assume that there is an automatic tradeoff between religious freedom and other human rights, economic interests, or security concerns; in reality, all of these are deeply interrelated.

Support for religious freedom means opposition to every form of coercion or restraint on people’s ability to choose and practice their beliefs peacefully. Rather than imposing beliefs, supporting religious freedom is about protecting people’s right to remain true to their deepest convictions.

Equipped with this understanding of the breadth and depth of religious freedom, we can see just how much is at stake when countries and cultures perpetrate or tolerate violations of that liberty. To violate this precious right is to betray human nature and well-being; to affirm it is to affirm our very humanity and its continued prosperity. It is an indispensable freedom that merits our firm and dedicated support abroad wherever it is threatened.

Dr. Robert P. George is the Chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), to which he was appointed in 2012. He holds the McCormick Chair in Jurisprudence at Princeton University and is the founding director of Princeton’s James Madison Program. This article is based on a portion of USCIRF’s 2014 Annual Report.

To interview a USCIRF Commissioner, please contact USCIRF at [email protected] or 202-786-0613.

May 23, 2014

May 23, 2014 | USCIRF 

Pope Francis will be traveling to the Holy Land this weekend amidst a spike in so-called "price tag" attacks on holy places.  In recent years, such attacks – property crimes and violent acts in retaliation for activity deemed to be anti-settlement – have targeted Christian and Muslim religious sites and properties.  In recent weeks, politically-motivated vandals have been responsible for a number of attacks on churches and have used anti-Christian and anti-Arab slurs in their assaults.  We encourage efforts to hold perpetrators accountable for attacks and vandalism on holy places and religious sites.  We also encourage, to the extent possible while guaranteeing the pontiff’s safety and security, access to Pope Francis for Christians of all nationalities and all who wish to pray with him.

To interview a USCIRF Commissioner, contact USCIRF at [email protected] or 202-786-0613.

May 21, 2014


May 21, 2014 | USCIRF

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) finds misguided a recent bill introduced in Turkey’s parliament that would change the status of the historic Hagia Sophia in Istanbul from a museum to a mosque. USCIRF urges Prime Minister Erdoğan publicly to reject the bill and affirm that Hagia Sophia’s current status will be maintained.

Built in the sixth century by the Byzantine emperor Justinian, Hagia Sophia served for nearly 1000 years as the most visible symbol of the Christian faith within the Byzantine Empire.  Following the 1453 Muslim conquest of Constantinople, Istanbul’s former name, this magnificent structure was converted to a mosque by Sultan Mehmed II.  For nearly 500 years it was a similarly potent symbol of the Muslim faith within the Ottoman Empire before becoming a museum in 1935.

Whether driven by political considerations tied to Turkey’s forthcoming elections, or for any other reason, opening Hagia Sophia as a mosque would clearly be a divisive and provocative move. It would send the message that the current government sees the sensitivities of Turkey’s religious minority communities, particularly its ancient Christian community, as being of little or no consequence.

Led by the AK Party and Prime Minister Erdoğan, Turkey has taken some positive steps over the last twelve years to reverse the negative consequences of decades of strict Kemalist secularism.  During these decades, the government expropriated the property, including churches, of religious minority communities, and closed centers of higher education like Halki Seminary. These problematic chapters of Turkey’s history remain fresh in people’s minds and continue to shape minority sensitivities.

Given Hagia Sophia’s longstanding connection to Christians and Muslims alike, as well as the rich spiritual meaning it embodies and the powerful emotions it evokes for members of both faiths globally, we believe the pending bill forces Turkey and its people into a zero-sum situation that unnecessarily favors one community over the other. Such an action could deepen the wedge between the government and its delicate relations with its Christian minority, by exacerbating the memories of the terrible religious freedom violations and historical tragedies that occurred in the last century. The problematic implications of such an action are compounded by the deteriorating landscape for democracy and human rights.  The past year has seen the imposition of serious new restrictions on internet freedom, privacy, and media freedom, with troubling implications for religious freedom.

Further, changing the Hagia Sophia’s status would risk undermining Turkey’s efforts to: enhance its standing in the international community; further its aim of becoming a bridge-building nation between west and east; and emerge as a model on how a Muslim-majority nation can be a religiously plural and democratic country.

USCIRF is an independent, bipartisan federal advisory body which monitors the universal right to religious freedom abroad.    

To interview a USCIRF Commissioner, please contact USCIRF at 202-786-0613 or [email protected].