May 15, 2008


May 15, 2008

Contact: Judith Ingram
Communications Director
(202) 523-3240, ext. 127
WASHINGTON-The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom is gravely concerned by the arrest of seven prominent leaders of the Baha'i community in Iran and appeals to the U.S. government and international community strongly to condemn this flagrant abuse of religious freedom.

"The arrests of six Baha'i leaders yesterday, following the arrest of another leader in March, is the latest sign of the rapidly deteriorating status of religious freedom and other human rights in Iran," said Michael Cromartie, the Commission Chair. "This development signals a return to the darkest days of repression in Iran in the 1980s when Baha'is were routinely arrested, imprisoned, and executed."

The Baha'i community, Iran's largest non-Muslim minority, has long suffered especially severe religious freedom violations in Iran. The Iranian authorities view them as apostates; since 1979, Iranian authorities have killed more than 200 Baha'i leaders, thousands have been arrested and imprisoned, and more than 10,000 have been dismissed from government and university jobs.

The last time the Iranian government systematically arrested the Baha'i leadership in Iran in the early 1980s, 17 Baha'i leaders on two successive national governing bodies were either summarily executed or were abducted and disappeared. They are presumed dead.

Over the past several years, and particularly since President Ahmadinejad came to power, members of the Baha'i community have been harassed, physically attacked, arrested, and imprisoned. During the past year, young Baha'i schoolchildren in primary and secondary schools increasingly have been attacked, vilified, pressured to convert to Islam, and in some cases, expelled on account of their religion.In November 2007, three Baha'is were sentenced to four years in prison for allegedly spreading propaganda against the regime; 51 others received suspended sentences. Their alleged crime was setting up a program to educate poor Iranian children.

The seven Baha'i leaders arrested are members of an informal Baha'i national coordinating group, known to the Iranian government, which was established to help meet the needs of the 300,000-350,000-member Baha'i community after the Iranian government banned all formal Baha'i activity in 1983. In the early morning hours on May 14, officers of the Intelligence Ministry in Tehran reportedly entered the homes of six of the seven members of the informal national coordinating group and conducted extensive searches, following which the six-Fariba Kamalabadi, Jamaloddin Khanjani, Afif Naeimi, Saeid Rezaie, Behrouz Tavakkoli, and Vahid Tizfahm-were arrested and brought to the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran. The other member, Mahvash Sabet, was arrested two months earlier in Mashhad.

The Commission held a public hearing on the state of religious freedom and related human rights in Iran in February. In addition to the plight of the Baha'is, the hearing focused on the problems faced by other religious minority communities and dissenting Muslims in Iran:

  • Sufis face growing government repression of their communities and religious practices, including increased intimidation and harassment, and the detention of prominent Sufi leaders by the intelligence and security services in the past year;
  • President Ahmadinejad's denials of the Holocaust and statements calling for Israel to be "wiped of the map" have created a climate of fear among Iran's 30,000-member Jewish community;
  • Christians, in particular Evangelicals and other Protestants, in Iran continue to be subject to harassment, arrests, close surveillance, and imprisonment; many are reported to have fled the country; and
  • dissidents and political reformers continue to be imprisoned on criminal charges of blasphemy and for criticizing the Islamic regime. A number of senior Shi'a religious leaders who have opposed various Iranian government policies on political or religious grounds have also been targets of state repression, including house arrest, detention without charge, trial without due process, torture, and other forms of ill-treatment.

"The international community must send a strong, united signal that such violations of religious freedom will not be tolerated," Cromartie said. "U.S. and foreign leaders should call at the highest levels for the release of all religious prisoners in Iran and draw attention to the need to hold Iranian authorities accountable in specific cases where severe violations have occurred."

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

USCIRF Former Commissioners

May 12, 2008


May 14, 2008

Contact: Judith Ingram,

Communications Director,

(202) 523-3240, ext. 127

[email protected]

WASHINGTON- Commissioner Leonard A. Leo testified before the Congressional Caucus on Vietnam regarding restrictions on the freedom of religion in Vietnam that prompted the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom to recommend that Vietnam be re-designated a "country of particular concern,” or CPC, in its 2008 Annual Report. To read the complete text of Commissioner Leo's remarks, click here.

The hearing, "Human Rights Conditions in Vietnam and Suggestions for U.S.-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue,” was chaired by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Vietnam, and was attended by Reps. Tom Davis (R-VA), Ed Royce (R-CA), Loretta Sanchez (D-CA), and Chris Smith (R-NJ).

Other confirmed witnesses included Do Hoang Diem, Chairman, Viet Tan; Dr. Binh Nguyen, Co-Chair, Non-Violent Movement for Democracy in Vietnam; and Tammy Tran, President, Vietnamese Alliance to Combat Trafficking (VietACT).The hearing took place in Rayburn House Office Building, Room B318, on Wednesday, May 14, from 4 to 5:30 p.m.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

USCIRF Leadership

Apr 29, 2008

April 29, 2008
Contact: Judith Ingram,
Communications Director,
(202) 523-3240, ext. 127

WASHINGTON-Dr. Richard D. Land, Vice Chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, and Commissioner Nina Shea will participate in a press conference hosted by Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS), Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA), and Rep. Diane Watson (D-CA) regarding China's complicity in human rights violations in multiple countries. The press conference will include the participation of Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and other Members of Congress, North Korean defectors, and a range of human rights organizations. A joint Congressional letter to People's Republic of China President Hu Jintao, which calls on China to stop its forcible repatriation of North Korean refugees, will also be presented.

Commission Vice Chair Land and Commissioner Shea will discuss the Commission's new report, A Prison Without Bars: Refugee and Defector Testimonies of Severe Violations of Freedom of Religion or Belief in North Korea, which offers evidence of the grave situation facing North Korean asylum seekers who have been forcibly repatriated from China back to North Korea. As Commission Chair Michael Cromartie noted during the April 15 release of the report, "repatriated North Koreans face severe persecution, including harsh interrogations, long-term imprisonment, and torture if they are found to have converted to Christianity or had contact with South Korean Christians or churches while in China." These crimes against repatriated asylum seekers are ongoing, despite China's insistence to the contrary. Conditions along the China-North Korea border are also uniquely hazardous for North Korean refugees, as North Korean security agents target refugees believed to have visited Chinese churches for food aid or other forms of immediate assistance.

The press conference will take place at Senate Russell Park, at the corner of Constitution and Delaware Aves NE, on Thursday, May 1st at 11 am.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
USCIRF Leadership