Oct 18, 2013


October 18, 2013| USCIRF

During his October 23 White House meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, USCIRF urges President Obama to raise concerns about the dire religious freedom situation in Pakistan, with both Muslims and religious minorities consistently confronting violence or jail.

"Based on USCIRF findings, Pakistan represents one of the worst situations in the world for religious freedom,” said USCIRF Chairman Robert George. "The September attack on All Saints Church that killed close to 100 worshippers underscores Pakistan's exceedingly poor religious freedom situation. The violence extremists perpetuate threatens all Pakistanis, including Shi'as, Christians, Ahmadis, and Hindus, as well as those members of the Sunni majority who dare to challenge extremists.”

"Given that President Obama and Prime Minister Sharif reportedly will be discussing how best to counter violent extremism, we urge the U.S. to incorporate concern about freedom of religion into these conversations,” said Chairman George. "To successfully counter violent extremism, Pakistan must have a holistic approach that both ensures that perpetrators of violence are jailed and addresses laws that foster vigilante violence, such as the blasphemy law and anti-Ahmadi laws. For the sake of his country, the Prime Minister should be pressed to take concrete action.”

USCIRF's 2013 Annual Report highlighted the dire state of religious freedom in Pakistan and that growing religious extremism threatens Pakistan's security and stability, as well as the freedoms of religion and expression and other human rights. Notwithstanding this alarming situation, the U.S. government has not designated Pakistan as a "country of particular concern.” USCIRF's Religious Violence Project found that religious freedom violations in Pakistan have risen to unprecedented levels, and the government continues to fail to protect Christians, Shi'a, Ahmadis, and Hindus. In addition, approximately 40 individuals are on death row or serving life sentences for allegedly blasphemous conduct, a statistic unmatched anywhere else in the world.

To interview a USCIRF Commissioner, please contact Kalinda Stephenson at 202-786-0613 or [email protected].

Oct 18, 2013


October 4, 2013 | By Robert P. George

The following op-ed appeared in CNN World on October 4, 2013.

Editor's note: Robert P. George is the chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). The views expressed are his own.

As Nigeria considers its future following this week's celebration of its 53rd anniversary of independence, its leaders must confront a real and perhaps growing threat to the nation's stability - Boko Haram. The radical Islamist group, whose name literally means "western education is a sin,” regards Nigeria's federal and northern state governments, as well as the country's political and religious elites, as morally corrupt. It rejects the West and secular democracy and seeks to implement its "pure” version of Shariah law. But overcoming the Boko Haram challenge will take more than a military response - it also requires an approach that addresses Nigeria's tolerance of long-running sectarian violence, protects religious freedom and enforces rule of law.

For the past two years, Boko Haram has been the primary perpetrator of religious-related violence and gross religious freedom violations in Nigeria. In August of this year, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), which I chair, issued a report highlighting the recent toll of Boko Haram's targeted assaults on religious institutions and leaders. The numbers are troubling.

Read more .

To interview a USCIRF Commissioner, please contact Kalinda Stephenson at 202-786-0613 or [email protected].

Sep 25, 2013


September 25, 2013| By USCIRF

On Sunday September 22, reportedly the worst attack on Pakistani Christians in that nation's history took place. On that day, two suicide bombers attacked the All Saints Church in Peshawar, Pakistan, as services were ending, killing at least 83 and wounding over 150 others.

"USCIRF condemns the vicious attack on peaceful worshipers leaving church services and calls for the Government of Pakistan to bring those involved to justice,” said Robert George, Chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). "Mere words will not do. The government of Newaz Sharif must take robust measures to end violence against Christians and other religious minorities and the cycle of impunity that plagues Pakistan. Arrests and prosecutions will send a powerful message that the government takes seriously its responsibility to protect citizens of all faiths.”

USCIRF's 2013 Annual Report underscored the fact that Pakistan represents the worst situation in the world for religious freedom for countries that the U.S. government does not currently designate as "countries of particular concern.” USCIRF's Religious Violence Project found that religious freedom violations in Pakistan have risen to unprecedented levels, and the government continues to fail to protect Christians, Shi'a, Ahmadis, and Hindus.

"Especially given this violence, it is long past time for the U.S. to designate Pakistan as a "country of particular concern” (CPC) for these ongoing and egregious violations, said Chairman George.

USCIRF calls on Pakistan to launch a nationwide effort to end the activities of banned militant groups and arrest and prosecute their leaders and any members perpetrating acts of violence against religious minorities. USCIRF also urges the Pakistani government to provide visible security protection for vulnerable minority religious communities, including Christians, Shi'a, Ahmadis, and Hindus.

To interview a USCIRF Commissioner, please contact Kalinda Stephenson at 202-786-0613 or [email protected].