Additional Name(s): Nour Fayez Ibrahim Gerges, نور فايز إبراهيم جرجس
Gender: Male
Current Location: Al-Ashir Prison
Perpetrator: Egypt
Religion or Belief: Christian – Protestant
Reports of Torture: Yes
Reports of Medical Neglect: No
Date of Detainment: November/1/2021
Date of Release: January//2025
Current Status: Released
Religious Leader: No
Most Recent Type of Abuse: Detainment
Reason for Persecution: Apostasy Blasphemy (General) Blasphemy (Other) Discussing Religion & Religious Texts Online Activity Religious Belief Religious Expression
Nature of Charges: Blasphemy Terrorism
Nour Fayez Ibrahim Gerges is an Evangelical Christian Egyptian activist who was detained on a religious basis.
On November 1, 2021, authorities arrested and potentially forcibly “disappeared” Mr. Gerges.
On December 25, 2021, he reappeared before a state security prosecutor. He is purported to have led a Facebook group for discussion of the heavenly religions and to help people wishing to change their religion from Islam to Christianity. On an unspecified date, he was charged with leading a terrorist group and despising the heavenly religions.
In February 2023, the Cairo Criminal Court renewed his detention.
In June 2024, it was reported that Mr. Gerges is currently detained in Al-Ashir Prison in Al-Ashir City and that he has been subject to abuse and torture by Egyptian prison security.
In January 2025, Egyptian authorities released Gerges from detention but have not dropped the charges against him.
Photo used with permission from ADF International
USCIRF Country Update: Religious Freedom Conditions in Egypt August 2023
“تجديد حبس نور فايز واللاجئ اليمني عبد الباقي سعيد المتهمين بازدراء الأديان والمبادرة المصرية تطالب مجددًا بإخلاء سبيلهما” Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR)