Gender: Female

Perpetrator: Cuba

Ethnic Group: Yoruba

Religion or Belief: Santería

Health Concerns: Hypertension, diabetes, contracted COVID-19

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Sentence: 8 Years' Imprisonment

Date of Detainment: July/16/2021

Date of Release: January/15/2025

Current Status: Released

Religious Leader: Yes

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Imprisonment

Reason for Persecution: Religious Association Religious Figure & Religious Leadership Role Religious Identity

Nature of Charges: Assault & Battery Public Disorder Unlawful Disobedience

Donaida Pérez Paseiro

Extra Bio Info:

Donaida Pérez Paseiro was imprisoned for her religious identity, religious activity, and religious leadership role.

On July 16, 2021, Paseiro, the president of the Free Yoruba Association of Cuba (Asociación de Yorubas Libres de Cuba, or “Free Yorubas”), an independent Santería community, formally surrendered herself to police in compliance with an arrest warrant following her peaceful participation in protests on July 11, 2021. Paseiro was charged with public disorder, disobedience/contempt, and assault.

In September 2021, it was reported that Paseiro had been sentenced to eight years in prison; however, additional reporting from January 2022 indicated that she was still on trial and had yet to be officially sentenced. Prosecutors were reportedly seeking eight years in prison for Paseiro.

In December 2021, Paseiro was transferred to a hospital after vomiting blood and experiencing abdominal pain for two days. 

On an unspecified date, Paseiro was reportedly sentenced to eight years in prison.

In late July 2022, Paseiro reportedly developed COVID-19 symptoms and was forced to isolate. 

On January 15, 2025, Paseiro was released from prison.

Prison authorities reportedly tried to force Paseiro to renounce her faith. 

Paseiro is married with two children. Her husband Loreto Hernández García is also imprisoned for his participation in July 11 protests. 

Paseiro has been repeatedly harassed by authorities because of her religious leadership role.  In September 2020, she was arrested and assaulted by police, sustaining injuries to her chest and face. She was also arrested in February 2020.

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