Enayatollah Naeimi

Additional Name(s): Enayat Naimi, عنایت الله نعیمی

Gender: Male

Perpetrator: Iran

Religion or Belief: Bahá`í

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Sentence: 10 Years' Imprisonment

Date of Detainment: May/6/2023

Current Status: Not Released

Religious Leader: Yes

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Imprisonment

Reason for Persecution: Religious Activity Religious Belief Religious Figure & Religious Leadership Role

Nature of Charges: Illegal Assembly Spreading Propaganda & False or Misleading Ideas, Information, or Materials

Enayatollah Naeimi

Extra Bio Info:

Enayatollah Naeimi is imprisoned for his religious belief and activity.

On September 28, 2022, authorities in Isfahan arrested Naeimi reportedly in relation to his being Baha'i. Naeimi was previously a member of the now-disbanded religious group called “Yaran-i-Iran” or “Friends in Iran."

On an unspecified date, Naeimi was released on bail.

On May 6, 2023, authorities arrested Naeimi following a court hearing.

In May 2023, it was reported that the Isfahan Revolutionary Court sentenced Naeimi to 10 years in prison for “forming groups to act against national security” and five years in prison for “propaganda against the regime." Naeimi is expected to serve 10 years as the sentences run concurrently. The charges reportedly stem from his involvement in the “Yaran-i-Iran” or “Friends in Iran" religious group and his association with Baha’i communities in Israel.

Naeimi is reportedly in poor health.

Related Cases: Afif NaeimiMahvash SabetFariba KamalabadiJamaloddin Khanjani,