Gender: Male
Perpetrator: Nicaragua
Religion or Belief: Christian – Catholic
Date of Detainment: December/29/2023
Date of Release: January/14/2024
Current Status: Released
Religious Leader: Yes
Most Recent Type of Abuse: Detainment
Reason for Persecution: Criticizing Religious Freedom Conditions Religious Activity Religious Belief Religious Expression Religious Figure & Religious Leadership Role Religious Freedom Advocacy
Nature of Charges: Unknown
Jader Hernández was detained for his religious leadership role.
On or around December 29, 2023, police arrested Hernández, parish priest of the Madre del Divino Pastor parish in Nejapa, Carretera Vieja a León, under unclear circumstances. His arrest comes amid a crackdown on the Catholic Church in Nicaragua.
On January 14, 2024, Hernández was released from prison and exiled to the Vatican.
Related Cases: Silvio Fonseca, Héctor Treminio, Carlos Avilés, Fernando Calero, Marcos Díaz Prado, Mykel Monterrey, Raúl Zamora, Gerardo Rodríguez, Miguel Mántica, Ervin López
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