Additional Name(s): 廉长年

Gender: Male

Perpetrator: China

Religion or Belief: Christian – Protestant

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Date of Detainment: August/17/2022

Current Status: Not Released

Religious Leader: Yes

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Detainment

Reason for Persecution: Religious Activity Religious Belief Unregistered Religious Activity

Nature of Charges: Embezzlement & Fraud Subversion

Lian Changnian

Extra Bio Info:

Lian Changnian is detained for his religious activity.

On August 17, 2022, police arrested Lian, who is a pastor, and two other members of the unregistered house church Church of Abundance in Xi’an city, Shaanxi province, following a reported crackdown on the church's community. Authorities reportedly accused the three of "endangering national security" and fraud.

In February 2023, it was reported that authorities transferred Lian, who had previously been held under residential surveillance at a designated location for the previous six months, to a detention center. During the period of residential surveillance, Lian was reportedly tortured.

In March 2023, Lian was criminally arrested for "fraud."

Related Cases: Lian XuliangFu Juan