Additional Name(s): Ruslan Borisovich Zeitullayev, Зейтуллаев Руслан Борисович

Gender: Male

Perpetrator: Russia

Ethnic Group: Crimean Tatar

Religion or Belief: Muslim – Sunni

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Appeal: Increased to 15 Years' Imprisonment

Sentence: Originally 12 Years' Imprisonment

Date of Detainment: January/23/2015

Date of Sentencing: July//2017

Current Status: Not Released

Religious Leader: No

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Imprisonment

Reason for Persecution: Ethnoreligious Identity Religious Activity Religious Association Religious Belief

Nature of Charges: Banned Organization Terrorism

Ruslan Zeitullayev

Extra Bio Info:

Ruslan Zeitullayev is imprisoned for his alleged religious activity.

On January 23, 2015, authorities arrested Zeitullayev after accusing him of being a establishing a cell of the banned Hizb ut-Tahrir organization in Crimea.

In April 2017, Zeitullayev was sentenced to 12 years in prison for "organizing the activities of an organization…recognized as terrorist" (Art. 205.5-1 RCC).

In July 2017, the Supreme Court of Russia resentenced Zeitullayev to 15 years in prison.

In March 2023, it was reported that prison authorities had refused to give Zeitullayev non-prescription medicines brought by his wife to treat his toothaches. 

Zeitullayev is married with three children.