Additional Name(s): Seymur Afqan oglu Mammadov
Gender: Male
Perpetrator: Azerbaijan
Religion or Belief: Christian – Jehovah's Witness
Reports of Torture: No
Reports of Medical Neglect: No
Appeal: Reduced to 1 Year's Suspended Sentence
Sentence: Originally 9 Months' Imprisonment
Date of Detainment: September/22/2022
Date of Sentencing: September/22/2022
Date of Release: December/12/2022
Current Status: Released
Religious Leader: No
Most Recent Type of Abuse: Imprisonment
Reason for Persecution: Conscientious Objection Religious Belief
Nature of Charges: Refusing & Absconding Military Service
Seymur Mammadov was imprisoned for refusing to serve in the military on religious grounds.
On September 22, 2022, the Goranboy District Court sentenced Mammadov to nine months in prison for "evasion without the lawful grounds from next appeal on military service or from an appeal on mobilization, with a purpose of evasion from serving in military" (Art. 321.1 ACC). Mammadov had refused to serve in the military after being summoned for military duty in May 2022. Mammadov was taken into custody following the verdict.
On December 12, 2022, an appeals court overturned Mammadov's imprisonment and instead imposed a one year suspended sentence. He was released following the verdict.
Photo attributed to Jehovah's Witnesses
"Azerbaijan: Conscientious objector's jail term changed to suspended sentence" Forum 18
USCIRF Commissioners Abraham Cooper and Nury Turkel, Tweet, October 4, 2022
"Azerbaijan: Conscientious objector jailing 'very unexpected decision'" Forum 18