Additional Name(s): سیامک هنرور

Gender: Male

Perpetrator: Iran

Religion or Belief: Bahá`í

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Sentence: 2 Years, 8 Months' Imprisonment

Date of Detainment: July/31/2022

Current Status: Released

Religious Leader: No

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Imprisonment

Reason for Persecution: Religious Activity Religious Belief

Nature of Charges: Banned Organization Spreading Propaganda & False or Misleading Ideas, Information, or Materials

Siamak Honarvar

Extra Bio Info:

Siamak Honarvar was imprisoned for his religious belief and activity.

On April 6, 2021, authorities reportedly arrested Honarvar alongside other Baha'is for their religious identity.

On May 8, 2021, Honarvar was released on bail.

In October/November 2021, the Shiraz Revolutionary Court reportedly sentenced Honarvar to seven months and 16 days in prison for "propaganda against the state" Art. 500 IPC) and 31 months and 16 days in prison for "membership in organizations that aim to disrupt national security" (Art. 499 IPC). Honarvar is expected to serve 31 months and 16 days in prison as the sentences run concurrently.

On July 31, 2022, Honarvar presented himself to authorities and was transferred to Adel Abad Prison to serve his sentence. 

In February 2023, it was reported that Honarvar had been released from prison.

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