Gender: Male
Perpetrator: Vietnam
Ethnic Group: Ede
Religion or Belief: Christian – Protestant
Reports of Torture: No
Reports of Medical Neglect: No
Date of Detainment: October/6/2020
Current Status: Not Released
Religious Leader: No
Most Recent Type of Abuse: Detainment
Reason for Persecution: Religious Activity Religious Belief Unregistered Religious Activity
Nature of Charges: Treason & Sedition
Y Tup Knul is detained for his religious belief and activity.
On October 6, 2020, authorities arrested Knul for his affiliation with the Degar Protestant Church, a religious movement not approved by the government. Authorities accused him of conducting activities to overthrow the government and subsequently charged him with "activities against the People's government" (Art. 109/2015 VCC). Since his arrest, Knul has been held incommunicado at an unknown location.
Knul is married.
Photo provided by Campaign to Abolish Torture in Vietnam
"Montagnard Prisoners of Conscience, February 2022" Campaign to Abolish Torture in Vietnam