Additional Name(s): 张树德

Gender: Male

Current Location: Nanshan Prison

Perpetrator: China

Religion or Belief: Falun Gong

Reports of Torture: No

Reports of Medical Neglect: No

Appeal: Rejected

Sentence: 7 Years' Imprisonment

Date of Detainment: June/29/2017

Date of Sentencing: February/8/2018

Current Status: Not Released

Religious Leader: No

Most Recent Type of Abuse: Imprisonment

Reason for Persecution: Possession of Religious Materials Religious Activity

Nature of Charges: Cult

Zhang Shude

Extra Bio Info:

Zhang Shude is imprisoned for his religious activity.

On June 29, 2017, police arrested Zhang, raided his home, and confiscated Falun Gong-related materials. Days before his arrest, Zhang had visited a police station in Xinglongtai district, Panjin municipality, Liaoning province, to get an extension on his residence permit. There, he acknowledged being a Falun Gong practitioner after police questioned him. He subsequently had his permit request denied.

On February 8, 2018, The Xinglongtai People’s Court sentenced Zhang to seven years in prison for "organizing or using a cult to undermine implementation of the law" (Art. 300 CCL).

On August 24, 2018, the Panjin Intermediate People's Court rejected Zhang's appeal. 

On October 16, 2018, Zhang was transferred to Nanshan Prison.

Zhang has reportedly been denied family visits.