Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2226

November 27, 2001

Commission members (left to right): Nina Shea, Acting Executive Director Tad Stahnke, Felice Gaer, The Hon. Shirin Tahir-Kheli, Firuz Kazemzadeh

Commission members (left to right): Richard D. Land, Nina Shea, The Hon. Charles R. Stith, Executive Director Steven T. McFarland, Chairman Michael K. Young, Felice D. Gaer, Firuz Kazemzadeh, The Hon. Shirin Tahir-Kheli, and Bishop William Francis Murphy.

Opening Remarks - Chair Michael Young

Panel 1: The World After 9/11: A Strategic Shift in U.S. Foreign Policy?

Panel 2: Promoting Religious Freedom Within the New Post-9/11 Order: Country and Regional Concerns

Subpanel A

Oral Testimony

  • Introduction

  • Tamara Sonn, Professor, College of William and Mary

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  • Mamoun Fandy, Professor, National Defense University

  • Amy Hawthorne, Soref Research Fellow, Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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  • Question and Answer

Subpanel B

  • Introduction

  • Martha Brill Olcott, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

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  • Sidney Jones, Executive Director, Asia Division, Human Rights Watch

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  • The Hon. Susan Rice, Managing Director and Principal, Intellibridge International

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  • Question and Answer

Panel 3: Promoting Religious Freedom Within the New Post-9/11 Order: Policy Tools

Oral Testimony

  • Introduction

  • The Hon. Robert Seiple, President and founder, Institute for Global Engagement

    Oral Testimony - Prepared Testimony

  • R. Richard Newcomb, Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Treasury Dept.

  • Georges Fauriol, Senior VP for Strategic Planning, International Republican Instititue (read by Zlatko Kovach, Senior Manager, Strategic Planning, International Republican Institute)

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  • Patrick Merloe, Senior Associate, National Democratic Institute

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  • Judith Siegel, Deputy Coordinator of Int'l Information Programs, State Department

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  • Question and Answer