Displaying results 471 - 480 of 500

August 06, 2020

Zufar Mustafin was imprisoned for his religious belief and activity. 

On January 17, 2017, authorities arrested Mustafin after accusing him of organizing a meeting to indoctrinate people…

August 06, 2020

Gazybek Kubatov was imprisoned for his religious belief and activity. 

On December 22, 2016, authorities arrested Kubatov after accusing him of organizing a meeting to indoctrinate people…

August 06, 2020

Shakir Kozhamkulov was imprisoned for his religious belief and activity.

On December 22, 2016, authorities arrested Kozhamkulov after accusing him of organizing a meeting…

August 06, 2020

Islambek Kamchybekov was imprisoned for his religious belief and activity. 

On December 22, 2016, authorities arrested Kamchybekov after accusing him of organizing a meeting to…

August 06, 2020

Akhmet Dzhumayev was imprisoned for his religious belief and activity. 

On December 22, 2016, authorities arrested Dzhumayev after accusing him of organizing a meeting to…

August 06, 2020

Bekzod Bakirov was imprisoned for his religious belief and activity.

On December 22, 2016, authorities arrested Bakirov after accusing him of organizing a meeting to indoctrinate people to…

June 08, 2020

Patras Masih was detained for blasphemy.

On February 19, 2018, authorities arrested Masih after he was accused of posting a perceived-blasphemous image on Facebook a few days before. …

June 08, 2020

Asif Masih is detained for blasphemy.

In August 2017, authorities arrested Masih - a minor at the time - after he was accused of setting a Qur'an and another religious booklet on fire.  A…

June 08, 2020

Ashfaq Masih is imprisoned and sentenced to death for blasphemy.

On June 15, 2017, authorities arrested Masih, a bicycle mechanic, reportedly following a dispute with a customer. According…

May 26, 2020

Sunny Mushtaq is detained for blasphemy.

On June 29, 2019, authorities arrested Mushtaq and his friend, Noman Asghar, and charged with "insulting the Prophet Muhammad" (Sec. 295-C PPC)…