Displaying results 251 - 260 of 262

October 09, 2020

Abdujelil Hajim is detained for his religious belief, activity, and ethnoreligious identity.

In 2017, authorities in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) detained several Uyghur…

October 09, 2020

Ablikim Memtimin is detained for his ethnoreligious identity.

In 2017, authorities detained Memtimin reportedly in relation to either his travel to Turkey or his memorization of the Qur'an…

October 09, 2020

Perhat Tursun is detained for his ethnoreligious identity.

In early 2018, Tursun, a writer and poet, disappeared. There are reports that he was detained by Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous…

October 09, 2020

Abdughappar Abdurusul is detained for his religious activity and ethnoreligious identity. 

In July 2018, authorities in Ghulja (Yining) city, Ili (Yili) Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture,…

October 09, 2020

Adil Mijit was detained for his ethnoreligious identity.

In November 2018, authorities in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) detained Mijit, a comedian, and sent him to a reeducation…

October 09, 2020

Murtiza Memet is imprisoned for his ethnoreligious identity.

On an unspecified date believed to have been in 2018, authorities detained Memet for reportedly sending “illegal” content over…

October 09, 2020

Hemdulla Abdurahman is detained for his ethnoreligious identity. 

In January 2019, authorities detained Abdurahman, a retired linguist who previously worked at the Xinjiang Uyghur…

October 01, 2020

Adil Tuniyaz is detained for translating religious texts and for his ethnoreligious identity. 

On or around December 25, 2017, authorities in…

June 16, 2020

Aishanjiang Kari is imprisoned for his ethnoreligious identity.

In 2017, authorities detained Kari, a textile trader, amid mass detentions of largely Muslim ethnic minorities in the…

March 20, 2020

Gulshan Abbas is imprisoned in relation to her ethnoreligious identity. 

On September 11, 2018, authorities in Urumqi municipality, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) forcibly…