Displaying results 1301 - 1310 of 1603

May 19, 2020

Wang Yingxia was imprisoned for her religious activity. 

In August 2018, authorities arrested Wang for distributing Falun Gong-related materials.  She was charged with "organizing or using…

May 19, 2020

He Wen was under house arrest for expressing views about her religion.

In July 2018, He was arrested after shouting religious views while at Tiananmen Square. Police reportedly searched…

May 19, 2020

Zhou Yuzhen was imprisoned for her religious activity. 

In April 2019, authorities arrested Zhou in Jinzhou city after being accusing her of distributing Falun Gong materials. 


May 19, 2020

Li Yuehu was imprisoned for his religious activity.

On July 11, 2019, authorities arrested Li after police found Falun Gong-related materials on him.

In December 2019, Li was…

May 19, 2020

Zhou Shuxian was imprisoned for distributing religious materials. 

In July 2019, authorities arrested Zhou for distributing Falun Gong materials. It is reported that Zhou was beaten by…

May 19, 2020

Wang Hongyu was imprisoned for her religious activity.

In April 2019, authorities arrested Wang for talking to people about Falun Gong. Police reportedly searched her home, confiscating…

May 19, 2020

Zhao Jiyuan is imprisoned for his religious belief and activity. 

In July 2019, authorities arrested Zhao reportedly in relation to his Falun Gong activities. Police searched his home,…

May 14, 2020

Liang Xin was imprisoned for distributing religious materials.

On December 5, 2015, plainclothes police officers detained Liang and her husband, Yao Guofu, from their home in Nanyang…

May 14, 2020

Yao Guofu was imprisoned for distributing religious materials.

On December 5, 2015, plainclothes police officers detained Yao and his wife, Liang Xin, from their home in Nanyang…

May 14, 2020

Zhang Aili was imprisoned for her religious belief and activity.

In November 2018, authorities arrested Zhang reportedly in relation to her practice of Falun Gong. She was held at the…