Displaying results 331 - 340 of 638

June 09, 2022

Aimidoula Waili is detained for his ethnoreligious identity.

In November 2020, Saudi Arabian authorities arrested Waili, who is a Uyghur religious scholar, and his friend following an…

June 08, 2022

Sulaiman al-Dowaish was forcibly disappeared for his religious expression.

On April 22, 2016, al-Dowaish was forcibly disappeared while on a work trip to Mecca following tweets he made the…

June 08, 2022

Lina Alsharif is detained in relation to religious freedom advocacy.

In May 2021, officials from the Saudi Presidency of State Security raided Alsharif’s home in Riyadh, arrested her, and…

June 08, 2022

Mujtaba al-Muzain is imprisoned for his religious identity and for protesting religious discrimination.

On an unspecified date, authorities arrested al-Muzain for protesting in Al-Qatif…

June 08, 2022

Ali al-Ouwaisher is imprisoned for his religious identity and for protesting religious discrimination.

On an unspecified date, authorities arrested al-Ouwaisher for protesting in Al-Qatif…

June 08, 2022

Khaled al-Ghanim is imprisoned for his religious identity and for protesting religious discrimination.

On an unspecified date, authorities arrested al-Ghanim for protesting in Al-Qatif…

June 08, 2022

Ahmed al-Matrood is imprisoned for his religious identity and for protesting religious discrimination.

On an unspecified date, authorities arrested al-Matrood for protesting in Al-Qatif…

June 07, 2022

Ly Van Dung is imprisoned for his religious activity.

In December 2021, authorities in Tuyen Quang province arrested dozens of people, including Ly, as they attended the funeral of their…

June 07, 2022

Ly Xuan Anh is imprisoned for his religious activity. 

In December 2021, authorities in Tuyen Quang province arrested dozens of people, including Ly, as they attended the funeral of their…

June 07, 2022

Duong Van Lanh is imprisoned for his religious activity.

In December 2021, authorities in Tuyen Quang province arrested dozens of people, including Duong, as they attended the funeral of…