Displaying results 331 - 340 of 2285

February 15, 2023

Tulkun Astanov is imprisoned for his religious freedom advocacy and for protesting religious freedom conditions.

On November 22, 2020, authorities arrested Astanov, a religious freedom…

February 13, 2023

Kamile Wayit is detained in relation to her ethnoreligious identity and her brother's human rights work.

On December 12, 2022, authorities in Atush (Atushi) city, Kizilsu (Kezilesu) Kyrgyz…

February 06, 2023

Oscar Benavidez was imprisoned for criticizing religious freedom conditions.

On August 14, 2022, authorities reportedly arrested Benavidez, a priest, after he performed mass. Benavidez…

February 03, 2023

Hani Gibran was detained for criticizing religious freedom conditions.

On June 4, 2022, police arrested Gibran after he posted about the targeting of the Coptic Christian community on…

January 27, 2023

Mahsa Mohammadi is detained for blasphemy.

On October 30, 2022, authorities reportedly detained Mohammadi, a university student in Sabzevar, over a tweet perceived as blasphemous. …

January 25, 2023

Morsen Afrouz was imprisoned for protesting religious freedom conditions and in relation to his religious association.

In November 2022, authorities in Firuzkooh reportedly detained Afrouz…

January 11, 2023

Aleksandr Votyakov was under house arrest for his religious belief and activity. 

On December 14, 2022, authorities in Izhevsk detained Votyakov after searching his home. Authorities…

January 11, 2023

Yevgeniy Bitusov is imprisoned for his religious belief and activity. 

On December 28, 2022, the Zeya District Court of the Amur Region sentenced Bitusov to six years in prison for “…

January 11, 2023

Leonid Druzhinin is imprisoned for his religious belief and activity. 

On December 28, 2022, the Zeya District Court of the Amur Region sentenced Druzhinin to six years and six months in…

January 11, 2023

Sergey Afanasiyev is imprisoned for his religious belief and activity. 

On December 21, 2022, the Blagoveshchensk City Court of the Amur Region sentenced Afanasiyev to six years and six…