Displaying results 291 - 300 of 645

November 02, 2020

Qurbanjan Abdusemet was imprisoned for his ethnoreligious identity and religiously oriented business activity. 

In 2009, authorities detained Abdusemet and his brother reportedly for…

October 30, 2020

Nurmemet Memetimin is imprisoned for his ethnoreligious identity and religious activity. 

In May 2018, authorities detained Memetimin and sent him to an internment camp reportedly in…

October 30, 2020

Rejepniyaz Hebibulla is detained for his ethnoreligious identity and religiously oriented business. 

In late 2017 or early 2018, authorities detained Hebibulla and sent him to an…

October 09, 2020

Abdujelil Hajim is detained for his religious belief, activity, and ethnoreligious identity.

In 2017, authorities in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) detained several Uyghur…

October 09, 2020

Erbolat Kusmanuly is under house arrest in relation to his ethnoreligious identity.

On October 27, 2017, local authorities in Altay prefecture…

October 07, 2020

Y Min Ksor is imprisoned for his religious activity. 

In April 2018, authorities arrested Ksor, a member of the unregistered Good News Missionary Church, during a police raid on a house…

October 07, 2020

Y Pum Bya is imprisoned for his religious belief and activity.

On April 10, 2018, Vietnamese authorities arrested Y Pum Bya, a church leader, after accusing him of spreading false…

August 24, 2020

Zhou Qin is imprisoned for her religious belief and activity. 

In September 2019, authorities arrested Qin reportedly in relation to her practice of Falun Gong.

In April 2021, Qin…

August 24, 2020

Huang Xiangling was imprisoned for her religious activity. 

In November 2018, authorities arrested Huang after accusing her of covering up posters criticizing Falun Gong.


August 24, 2020

Ye Zhongqiu was imprisoned for her religious activity.

In November 2016, authorities arrested Ye alongside other Falun Gong adherents for passing out Falun Gong calendars. 
