Displaying results 321 - 330 of 638

July 12, 2022

Le Thanh Hoan Nguyen is imprisoned for his religious activity and expression.

On January 4, 2022, authorities searched the THIÊN AM BÊN BỜ VŨ TRỤ (TABBVT) Buddhist Monastery (also known as…

July 12, 2022

Le Tung Van is under house arrest for his religious activity.

On January 4, 2022, authorities searched the THIÊN AM BÊN BỜ VŨ TRỤ (TABBVT) Buddhist Monastery (also known as Tinh That Bong…

July 01, 2022

Abdulrahman Al-Sadhan is imprisoned for his public satire criticizing conservative religious establishments and figures. 

On March 12, 2018, security agents from the Presidency of State…

June 15, 2022

Abdullah Basfar is imprisoned in relation to his religious activity.

In August 2020, authorities reportedly arrested Basfar, who is an imam, professor, famous Qur’an reciter, and former…

June 15, 2022

Omar al-Muqbil is imprisoned for expressing religious views criticizing government policies.

In September 2019, it was reported that authorities had arrested al-Muqbil, a cleric, for…

June 15, 2022

Omar Abdullah al-Saadoun is detained for criticizing government policy impacting religious freedom conditions.

In July 2021, it was reported that authorities reportedly arrested Omar…

June 15, 2022

Asmaa al-Subaie is detained for her women’s rights activism critical of state imposed religious systems.

In June 2021, authorities affiliated with the Presidency of State Security arrested…

June 09, 2022

Ali Badahdah is imprisoned in relation to his religious belief and activity.

On September 12, 2017, security forces arrested Badahdah, an imam and professor of Hadith at King Abdul Aziz…

June 09, 2022

Buheliqiemu Abula is detained for her ethnoreligious identity.

On March 31, 2022, Saudi Arabian authorities detained Abula and her teenage daughter, who are Uyghurs, near Mecca and…

June 09, 2022

Nuermaimaiti Ruze is detained for his ethnoreligious identity.

In November 2020, Saudi Arabian authorities arrested Ruze, who is Uyghur, and his friend following an extradition request…