Displaying results 431 - 440 of 604

January 25, 2021

Abdueziz Yasin is detained for his ethnoreligious identity.

In 2017, authorities detained Yasin under unclear circumstances. Yasin's uncle reportedly said that some of his relatives were…

January 25, 2021

Abduqadir is detained for his ethnoreligious identity.

In 2017, authorities detained Abduqadir under unclear circumstances. The uncle of Abduqadir's wife reportedly said that some of his…

January 22, 2021

Dadihan is imprisoned for his religious activity and ethnoreligious identity.

In 2018, authorities in Atush (Atushi) city, Kizilsu (Kezilesu) Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uyghur…

January 21, 2021

Gong Qinglin was imprisoned for his religious belief and activity.

In March 2019, authorities arrested Gong after summoning him to a police station. Authorities reportedly seized Falun…

January 21, 2021

Yang Xiaohua was imprisoned for her religious activity and belief.

In April 2018, authorities arrested Yang in relation to her Falun Gong activity. Police reportedly seized Falun Gong-…

January 19, 2021

Deng Chengkai is imprisoned for his religious activity.

In July 2019, authorities arrested Deng and a colleague in relation to their practice of Falun Gong. Police reportedly seized Falun…

January 19, 2021

Liu Tao is imprisoned for her religious activity.

In July 2019, authorities arrested Liu and a colleague in relation to their practice of Falun Gong. Police reportedly seized Falun Gong-…

January 19, 2021

Zheng Weidong was imprisoned for his religious belief and activity.

In October 2018, authorities arrested Zheng from his home following a wave of arrest of Falun Gong practitioners.…

January 19, 2021

Shi Xingjia was imprisoned for his religious belief and activity. 

In October 2018, authorities arrested Shi from his home in relation to his practice of Falun Gong. Authorities reportedly…

November 13, 2020

Turdimemet Jappar is detained for his religious activity and ethnoreligious identity.

On May 28, 2018, Jappar was sent to Qaraqash No. 4 Camp reportedly in relation to his possession of…